

Bounce and resilience / Moisture / To prevent broken hairs and split ends / Non-silicone

Hair Cleanse Off


It is rich, and a good-quality bubble wraps up a dirt and is shampoo to wash gently.

Net Wt: 400ml / 13.526fl oz


amazon sales site (link)

Hair Cleanse Off … http://www.amazon.com/dp/B00G5I3CII/ref=sr_1_5?m=AVYQES3EYVJSJ&s


(Hair Treatment (In Bath))


Bounce and resilience / Moisture / To prevent broken hairs and split ends

Hair Nourish In Treatment

Gracy rich (Moist, supple.)



Gentle light (Light that was smooth.)



It is hair treatment to keep newborn beautiful hair.

Net Wt: 350g / 12.345oz


amazon sales site (link)

#Gracy rich … http://www.amazon.com/dp/B00I17GSMS/ref=sr_1_5?m=AVYQES3EYVJSJ&s

#Gentle light … http://www.amazon.com/dp/B007UOX56A/ref=sr_1_5?m=AVYQES3EYVJSJ&s


(Hair Treatment (In Bath))


Bounce and resilience / Moisture / To prevent broken hairs and split ends

Hair Breathe Up


Firmly confining the important component of the hair, it is hair essence.

Net Wt: 300ml / 10.144fl oz


amazon sales site (link)

Hair Breathe Up … http://www.amazon.com/dp/B00I17H8EK/ref=sr_1_5?m=AVYQES3EYVJSJ&s


(Leave-in conditioner)


Bounce and resilience / Moisture / To prevent broken hairs and split ends

Hair Force Return


Soon become a lively and shining hair, it is hair essence.

Net Wt: 120g / 4.232oz


amazon sales site (link)

Hair Force Return … http://www.amazon.com/dp/B00I0ZVCSQ/ref=sr_1_5?m=AVYQES3EYVJSJ&s